E.J. Graff, 1996 Award Winner
Since winning the Margolis Award in 1996, E.J. Graff has gone on to have a career as a journalist, author, commentator, speaker, and editor whose award-winning reporting and provocative commentary examines social ills and our political landscape from every angle: academic, investigative, analytic, sociological, historical, constitutional, legal, and human. She delivers witty, irreverent, informed insight on a wide range of subjects, especially gender, sexuality, politics, and family—but with forays into such issues as terrorism, the death penalty, beach towns, and blizzards.
E.J. Graff’s pathbreaking reporting, investigations, and commentary have appeared in dozens of venues, including The New York Times Magazine, The Washington Post, The Boston Globe, Democracy Journal, Foreign Policy, Good Housekeeping, Mother Jones, MTV, The Nation, Newsweek, NPR, Politico, Slate, and Vice. Currently, she is the managing editor of The Monkey Cage at the Washington Post, which brings political science research into public discussion.
Graff’s other awards and honors have included the Massachusetts Cultural Council Award for Fiction, the Astraea Foundation Emerging Writers Award, Visiting Scholar at Radcliffe College's Schlesinger Library, Liberal Arts Fellow in Law & Journalism at Harvard University Law School, resident scholar at the Brandeis Women’s Studies Research Center, senior fellow at the Schuster Institute for Investigative Journalism, 2008 Sigma Delta Chi Award in Journalism for Best in Magazine Investigative Reporting, the 2008 James Aronson Award for Social Justice Journalism, a Nation Institute Investigative Fund Research Award grant, and several Clarion Awards.
Graff's first book, What Is Marriage For?, was published in 1998 by Beacon Press and reissued in 2004, when Massachusetts opened marriage’s doors to same-sex couples. Graff then collaborated on former Lt. Governor Evelyn Murphy’s book Getting Even: Why Women Still Don't Make As Much As Men--And What To Do So We Will, published by Simon & Schuster/Touchstone in October 2005.